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Health services and support

Health services are ideally positioned to identify young carers. If a professional can spot where extra support is needed, they can prevent potential long term harm.

Risks facing young carers

Young carers are often under a lot more pressure than other children in their age group. Health professionals are ideally positioned to identify if a child or young person is providing care for the patient under their care. They can then prevent them from suffering long term and persistent issues.

Some of the risks facing young carers include:

  • Becoming ill or suffering an injury when lifting or dressing someone
  • Developing emotional problems
  • Developing symptoms of an eating disorder

health professionals

Girl talks to a professional

For health professionals

NHS England and its partners have developed a toolkit to help health and social care organisations work together in identifying, assessing and supporting the well-being of carers and their families.

Our GP and Health Professionals Pack contains a guide for supporting, identifying and signposting young carers and posters for the waiting room and staffroom.

Other useful resources:

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Please find the link below to a video that was created by some young carers we have worked with through a recent project for Health professionals. Please feel free to use the video in your services, in training, with health professionals – wherever would be most useful. This was a youth-led piece of work from the starting idea, through consultation, key messaging, scripting right through to the filming day with input along the way!

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For school nurses

School Nurses play an important role in identifying and working with young carers in school. Here are a list of trainings and resources to help school nurses do this effectively: