Contact us
Please get in touch if you have a question about our work, have a media enquiry, want to change your contact address, or would like to find out more about commissioning us to work in your local area. If there's anything on your mind, we'd like to hear from you.

General comments or questions about our work
Our Supporter Care team can answer your questions, accept comments, help you sign up to an event or update your contact details. We can also help if you'd like to make a donation, or change the way you give to us.
- Email our Supporter Care team or call 0300 303 7000.
- For any pension related queries contact our pensions email.
If you are worried you may have seen some illegitimate fundraising activity for The Children’s Society, please call our Supporter Care team.
Are you worried about a child?
If you have a concern about the safety of a child, please contact your local council's children’s services. You can find their contact details on or on your local council's website.
- If you have immediate concerns for the safety of yourself or others call 999.
- If you are looking for general advice or information about safeguarding or child protection, please contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.
- If you are a child and you need help, call Childline on 0800 11 11
- If you have a safeguarding enquiry for us, email our safeguarding team.
Complaints and feedback
While we always aim to get things right the first time, we know that sometimes we don't. We want to know where we've gone wrong so we can put things right.
Email us or call our Supporter Care team on 0300 303 7000
Our national office and invoices
If you would like to contact any of the teams at our national office in London please call 020 7841 4400.
During Covid-19, please email your invoices. Otherwise, our postal address is:
The Children's Society
Whitecross Studios
Banner Street
Media enquiries
Our media team work closely with national, regional, local, trade and consumer media to promote our work to stakeholders, supporters and the general public.
We are available to answer requests from journalists on a wide range of issues relating to children, fundraising and charity management.
- Call 020 7841 4422 (office hours) or 02078414407 (out of office hours)
- Email our Media team at
Check out our news and blogs for the latest articles and case studies.
Partner with us
Our high value supporters are vital to the impact we make to thousands of children and young people’s lives. Without you we would struggle to continue our support to transform the hopes and happiness of the young people we work with.
Here's a list of teams you might want to get in touch with:
- Email the Corporate Partnerships team
- Email the Trusts, Foundations and Individual Philanthropic team
- To commission high-quality services for children and young people in your area email the bid team.

Change your address
If you would like to notify us of a change of address, please fill in the form below with both your new and old details. We will then amend our records accordingly.
Please note that we do prepare mailings in advance, therefore you may continue to receive post at your old address for up to eight weeks.