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Our people

We are a team of passionate people working together to restore young people’s hope for their future. Find out more about what this means to our leadership team, staff and trustees.

Our people

James - young trustee


Young trustees

My role as a young trustee is to help voice what young people think and believe in. I want to see a future where young people are more accepted and appreciated for the work they do and not pushed aside. This is what motivates me to do the work I do with The Children's Society. 

To me hope means looking for a better tomorrow that eventually things will work out. Hope is important because sometimes you need a little something to help inspire you to keep going and fighting for what you believe in



Young Trustee

As a young trustee, I aim to support The Children's Society by bringing a fresh perspective to the youth voice within the organization. I hope to help bridge the gap between the Trustee Board and the young people we serve to ensure decisions reflect the diverse needs of this generation of young people.

To me, hope means the capacity to attach meaning to circumstances that may seem to be tragic. I believe that the ability to find optimism in difficult times is a type of strength that allows you to build resilience to the deep ends of life.  This unyielding comes from hope - the reassurance of knowing better times are coming.