Where your money goes
We understand that when you make a donation, you want to know exactly where your money goes. That's why we are transparent about how we use your money. We promise that your donations support the young people who have it toughest.
Even when their hope is hanging by a thread, your donations pick them back up and keep their hope alive.

where your money goes
Right now, there are families who can’t afford their next meal, children who are manipulated into carrying drugs but have no one to talk to, young carers who miss out on school because they’re looking after mum and dad.
There are refugees, 15 years old, alone in a new country, trying to find a house, get to school, start a new life. There are neglected young people who run away from home, sleep rough and get sexually abused by strangers.
Despite all they go through, they hang on to hope.
They know a brighter future is possible. Together with our amazing supporters, we’re making this happen. Every gift you give helps provide the personalised support needed to improve the lives of these children, right now and in the future.

what we achieved together
young people were reached through our services
people engaged with us through volunteering, donating, fundraising, and campaigning.
professionals worked with us to improve their understanding of the challenges young people are facing.
How your money changes lives
Your gifts help children gain the confidence they need to move on, the skills to find a job they love, the tools to build friendships and integrate into society, the self-worth to stop self-harming and start believing.
Most importantly, your support means we can continue to be there for young people and never let them down.
How we raised money 2023/24

gifts helping those in poverty
She never let me down, ever She never let me down, ever
Your gift gives a boost to children living in poverty
It goes towards delivering vital food and hygiene essentials to boost young people’s well-being, and finding temporary accommodation when they have nowhere to go.
You enable us to campaign and change policies at local and national level, so all families have a financial safety net when crisis hits.

Our areas of work
We work with those who are exploited, neglected, unsafe. Young people come to us when they feel lonely or want to escape an abusive relationship. We work across a range of issues because the things children go through are complex.
A relief to those battling mental health
Your gift gives relief to children battling mental health
We run drop-in centres in Birmingham and Shropshire, where we support children who have mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and help them recover and move forward with their lives.
Your gift could provide emotional well-being books or one-to-one sessions. They help us be there when young people want to talk or if they're not quite ready to open up. We'll stand by them as long as they need to feel better.

money helping young carers
Your gift gives respite for young carers
Your money helps give young carers a break. You fund programmes and events which give them time off from their caring duties. So they can look after themselves for once, enjoy being a child, do the things other people their age do.
It builds your self-esteem up It builds your self-esteem up

Give the gift of hope
Our online store gives you the chance to purchase gifts or experiences for children we’re supporting through our youth services.
Hope to young refugees and migrants
Your gift gives hope to young refugees and migrants
You help young refugees find solicitors who won’t give up on them and will fight to win their case. You give them a support network, people looking our for their best interests, who will stand with them through age disputes and asylum claims. You empower them to meet new people, talk through their trauma and start looking to the future.
Your gift gives reassurance to children at risk of abuse
Your money goes towards one-to-one therapy for children who have suffered abuse and neglect. We help them make sense of things and recover.
You also help us get out and raise awareness. We empower the public and other professionals to spot the signs of child exploitation and know how to report it. With everyone looking out for young people, we can make society a more positive place.

How we spent money 2023/24