Information for professionals
As well as working directly with young people, we develop resources and deliver training to other professionals who work with children - from young carers to those at risk of being exploited, abused, neglected. By sharing our understanding of young people's issues, we hope to encourage best practice and give every child a fair chance in life.

Supporting young carers
Our Include service works with young carers, their families and professionals who support them. We provide tools to improve practice nationwide, so young carers get the same chances in life as everyone else.
Working with young people affected by abuse and exploitation
We work in partnership with various organisations to encourage best practice in response to child exploitation and abuse.
- CSE Police and Prevention provides online toolkits, developed by our Prevention Team, National Police Chief's Council and Victim Support. Professionals can use these toolkits when working with young people and families affected by different forms of abuse.
- Climb, partnered with West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner, aims to draw children away from crime and towards sports and other healthy activities. We work with schools, social care and other groups across the region to make communities safer for young people.
- Support Rethought was a national pilot programme funded by the Home Office, which delivered brief interventions with young people and their parents and carers after a young person has told someone that they have been sexually abused, as well as providing local and national systems change leadership to improve responses to child sexual abuse. The programme worked with a group of young people to help them use their own experiences to create change through a series of films which can be viewed here (Survivors of childhood sex crimes call for change) and you can learn more about our child sexual abuse resources here (Child sexual abuse resources).

Benchmarking tool for missing children
A resource to help improve the assessment of children who go missing from home or care.