Children missing from home
Every year 100,000 children and young people go missing or run away from home. They can quickly fall under the radar and find themselves in dangerous situations. Many feel they have no one to turn to.
We work to change this. We help them work through their problems, make safe choices and find positive alternatives to running away. Whatever they're facing, no child should feel like running is the solution.

How many people go missing in the UK each year?
7 in 10
young people who have been sexually exploited have also been reported missing

How we help missing children
We run services across the country that try to understand why children go missing and then give them the support to stop them running. We also work closely with families and the police to make sure children who do go missing are properly supported when they are found.
How we help missing children

Next Generation in Nottingham is for children who have a lot going on in their lives. More than most can handle. We work closely with them for up to two years. Many have experienced trauma and will often go missing to escape conflict at home.
With time we help them rebuild relationships with family members or professionals, we show them how to manage emotions, and we get them focused on their future.
The young people we worked with had 56 missing incidents between them at the start. After two years at Next Generation, they had only two. Many said it made them feel safer and improved relationships with their mum and dad.
Next Generation quote
I'm in a better place now with my dad than I've ever been. Now I can actually talk with my dad.

Why young people go missing
There are lots of reasons why young people might go missing, like challenges at home or at school, or criminals targeting teenagers online. We take a look at why young people go missing, and how we can prevent it.

working with the police to help missing children

Working with the police
In Shropshire, we do return home interviews with young people. We ask why they went missing, do they feel safe, what would stop them running away again. We listen and provide mental health support if they need it.
Unlike any other service in the UK, our project workers log their information from return home interviews directly into police systems. It’s accurate. It’s thorough. It frees up time for the police and can help reduce future missing episodes.
quote from our shropshire service
The first time they went missing it was 13 nights, the second time was three nights...I can’t put into words the difference it makes

What to do if a child goes missing
Most children who run away return home safely but it's important to understand why it happened so it doesn't become a habit. Read our advice if you're worried a child might go missing.