Organisational policies
We are a national charity, working with young people to counsel and support them through their most serious life challenges.
Every child is unique, so are the problems they face. We need to have sound policies in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those we work with. These policies and statements explain our approach to working with young people.

Complaints policy
While we aim to get things right the first time, we know we sometimes don't. We are positive about receiving complaints so that we have an opportunity to put things right where they have gone wrong.
Non-recent (historical) abuse approach
We openly acknowledge with sadness and deep regret that on some occasions children in the care of The Children’s Society have experienced abuse or neglect.
Whistleblowing policy
We aim to provide employees with an avenue to raise concerns internally and receive feedback on any action taken. Our policy demonstrates how employees can take the matter further if they are dissatisfied with the management response and reassures employees that they will be protected from harassment or victimisation from co-workers for raising concerns.
Modern slavery statement
Our statement describes our commitment and the steps taken, in relation to our operations, to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains, or in any part of our business.
Gender pay gap report
As of April 2017 all organisations with 250 or more employees are required to publish their gender pay gap. We have been considered an early adopter in the 2017 - 2018 year and outline our approach in our gender pay gap report.
Annual report
The focus of our current strategy is to make a real difference to children and young people’s lives by breaking the cycles of multiple disadvantage that they face, and by tackling the adverse conditions which prevent them from flourishing. Our annual report outlines our performance and financial review.
Health and safety national policy statement
We recognise and accept our responsibility for providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy work place and working environment for all of our staff and anyone else who may be affected by our work activities.