If you are under 18 and a young carer, you can request or be referred for an assessment of your needs.
This can help you find out about support available for you, or for the person you care for, to reduce your caring role. This should also result in an assessment of the person you care for.
The aim of the assessment is to create a plan that reduces or prevents you from taking on inappropriate caring responsibilities that impact negatively upon your own well-being.
You may also be offered a ‘transition assessment’. This is a chance for you to discuss what you want for the future, including higher education or employment, and what support you will need for you or the person you care for to achieve your goals.
If you are part of a young carers service you can talk to them about getting an assessment, or you can phone your local Young Carers Service or Children’s Services to request one.
You can find out more about your rights to an assessment on our resource pages or by downloading the Carers Trust Know your Rights booklet.