Fundraise or host a Christingle
Fundraising at your Christingle celebration has never been easier. Every pound you collect helps young people build a brighter future.

Fundraising at a Christingle
Collecting donations
We ask those holding a Christingle celebration to arrange a collection in support of our work - helping children and young people most in need.
Follow the instructions below on how to pay in your Christingle donations physically or online.
We’ve made fundraising at your Christingle celebration as easy as possible. The safest and easiest way for you to take in collections during your service is through your very own online donation page, and you can create one by registering your Christingle event with us.

How to pay in your donations
Every donation, large or small, makes a difference to a young person’s life and we are thankful to each and every Christingler for this. There are four easy ways to pay in the donations raised.
Pay in donations online
Simply pay the funds into your own bank account and then transfer the funds online. Don’t forget to tell us whether you're paying in on behalf of an organisation or for yourself. You'll receive an email confirmation to thank you for your donation.Send us a cheque
You can pay in collections raised into your own bank account and then send us a cheque for the total in the post. Cheques should be made payable to 'The Children's Society' at:
The Children's Society
Whitecross Studios
50 Banner Street
EC1Y 8STPlease remember your include unique supporter ID (if known), your full name and address, the name of the organisation you represent and mention that the funds raised were in support of your Christingle service to ensure that your donations are received and banked correctly. You should never send us cash in the post.
- BACS payments
To ensure that we can accurately tie your BACS payment to your records, please ensure that you include your full name and Supporter number (if known). This can be found on your most recent communication from us or alternatively you can call our Supporter Care team on 0300 303 7000. Pay in donations at the bank
You can pay your collections directly into our account at your local bank or Post Office. To do this, you’ll need to request a Christingle paying-in form from our Supporter Care team - and take this along with your donations when paying in.

Register your Christingle
Please fill in your event details below to register your Christingle with us. Once your page is approved, we'll send you an email with your unique event page URL that you can share with your Christingle guests to collect donations easily and safely.
Once you register, we will then publish and promote your Christingle on our website. This means Christinglers nearby can find and join your service. Look through our Christingle finder today.

I'm in a better place
I'm in a better place
After years of being trapped in a cycle of exploitation and abuse, Lauren has broken free from her abusers. She now feels happy, confident and ready to help others.