Young carers' wellbeing and mental health
Many young carers experience difficulties due to the added stresses that come with their caring responsibilities. It is important you take care of yourself and look after your wellbeing.
young carers wellbeing information
Always take the time to be present and mindful Always take the time to be present and mindful
Mental health resources
We have mental health information and activities to help young people understand more about what they may be experiencing.
There are also resources out there specifically for carers who are caring for someone with mental health issues:
- Young and caring: Accessing support: booklet to help you think about who can support you in dealing with the challenges you face as a young carer.
- Young and Caring: Caring for Someone with a Mental Illness: guide to make sense of caring for someone with a mental illness. We asked other young carers about their experiences and what helped them.
- Rethink Siblings: information and support for you if you have a brother or sister that has experienced, or is living with, severe mental illness.
Finding the Balance: A booklet created by a group of young carers for other young carers to use.
Make sure you live for yourself Make sureyou livefor yourself
Need to talk to someone?
If you are worried about your mental health and wellbeing you should talk to someone. There are a range of helplines and online support that you can access:
- SANELINE: A local helpline for anyone concerned about their own or someone else's mental health. Call 0854 767 8000
- Samaritans: Call 08457 90 90 90 to someone to talk to at any time
- Kooth: Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- The Mix: A free, confidential telephone and email helpline finding you the best help whatever the problem.