Help young people get early mental health support
Right now, young people are waiting too long for mental health support. The stress and delay can cause their mental health to get worse. Some don’t even make the list. They’re told their problems aren't serious enough to get support.
This isn’t right. Young people need professional help. Before it’s too late.

Join our campaign to #FundTheHubs

We're calling on the UK government to invest in early mental health support hubs for young people aged 11-25.
These are places young people can go when they first start struggling with their mental health. No appointments. No referrals needed.
Add your name and join our call to #FundTheHubs
#FundTheHubs campaign
We've partnered with mental health charities to call on the government to fund a hub in every local area where young people can get early help with their mental health.
Right now, many young people are struggling and can't get support when they first need it. NHS services and school support simply can't keep up with the demand.

Mental health facts
1 in 6
children are likely to have a mental health problem
1 in 4
17-19 year olds are likely to have a mental health problem
said they couldn’t get support when they needed it

How will early support hubs help?
Early support hubs would provide a place where young people aged 11-25 can drop in and talk about their mental health. No waiting for appointments or referrals.
For older teens, hubs provide a place to get help as they move into adulthood and lose access to other services.
The earlier a young person can get mental health support, the less likely they are to reach crisis point. They will be better able to cope with life's challenges and less likely to need support in the future.
Hubs would also reduce the pressure on schools, NHS and strained local services.
We already run mental health drop-in services in several areas and want to build on their success. But there needs to be funding in place to make this happen. We can’t do it alone.

it's a place young people can feel safe it's a placeyoung peoplecan feel safe