What we do
We provide specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope. They want a future they can look forward to and we’re here to make sure they get it. Working alongside young people, their families and community, we will not rest until together, step-by-step, we've created a society built for all children.

Building hope part one

Young people come to us when they have low self-esteem. When they’re living in families who can’t afford the next meal, the next size up in school uniform. Or when there's no one else to lean on.
Refugee and migrant children land in this country alone and look to us for guidance to achieve the life they dreamed of. To have a settled home, a secure job and starting a family. They’re not asking for too much.
We see teenagers in our services who want to quit using drugs or alcohol. Who are looking after mum, dad, or their siblings more than they bargained for. Or who have been taken advantage of and find themselves carrying drugs to far away towns, or having sex with strangers.
Often, the hope inside them has taken a battering, it might only be hanging by a thread. But we know it's there. And we see a better future is within reach.

Building hope part two
We see young people get on, get up and achieve great things. We love being part of that determination to not let anything get them down. So we don’t let them down.
Young people come to us when they need someone to talk to, for therapy, sometimes just a bite to eat. To help with their court case, to talk to their mum, social services, their teacher, to sometimes not talk at all. We work with young people for as long as it takes and we’re with them no matter what.
We also listen to their needs and campaign and lobby on their behalf. We want to make sure they are heard at local and nation government level. They know better than anyone what will make all the difference.
They’re happy to start over again and try something new to reach their goals and we’re there to give them the encouragement they need. We take inspiration from the courage and hope we see in young people every day, fuelling our belief that a good childhood is something every young person deserves.
There's going to be a brighter future There's going to be a brighter future

I'm proud
I'm proud
We support young people whose hopes and happiness are hanging by a thread, but have the courage not to give up.

Areas of work
Each young person we see is unique, and our way of working with them through their most serious life challenges varies depending on what they need. From drug use in the home, landing in this country for the first time, or being forced to do things they don't want to, we work with them when they're down to bring them back up.